Friday, January 14, 2011

The end of the song...the final act

It looks as if my mission to aquire the man I love is over.I lost the war.Today he basically said goodbye and it is killing me so much inside.I will never stop loving him.He will always be in my heart.Now I have to start my blog over.I suppose it will now be about trying to go on and heal after having my heart break into a zillion pieces....I might just put the wonderful things I have experienced since I met him in that box I refrenced before.Wishing I never met him is just a statement made out of pain...I never knew how special a person could be until I met him.I dont know how to handle this....
This blog will continue as of the fact tht it is about my life but under a more appropriate title because this play/song of my life is over ad I got to keep on moving to a whole new one......

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