Friday, December 3, 2010

Are we to the chorus of the song or still stuck on the bridge?

My apologies for my lack of motivation about posting. Kinda bummed to find out that all of my back pain doesn't matter because my x-rays do not show anything wrong.There goes that breast reduction I was hoping for.Anyway My family has been pretty colorful lately.Between my brother getting arrested,my sisters verbally suffocating me and my parents and this weird game they seem to be playing I dont know.My father is slacking off with the divorce being pushed through,and my mom although kind to me is having me make up stories.I feel like I just want to fade away sometimes.Happy to report I have not cut myself,and only wanted to once since tossing my blades.

I really miss Al.Yes I always say that,but he is such a important part of me.How can someone who is not in a relationship be a part of another?
It's the "you just know" factor.This is when you know you have met your soul mate.The instant click between 2 people.I know I felt it and tryed to ignore it at first.Fate has a way of pushing it's self on you.Like we can control destiny? As if !

I have realized so many new and wonderful things and try not to take any for granted because of him.My eyes opened up to a new world when we met.I feel sooooooooo bad for him.A wack job like me loving him with my every breath,and he is just trying to do his job.It is shameful how much I care for him.I do not feel good enough to be with him.I feel like I need to acomplish things to aquire his goodness.Let me get this straight though.He has never made me feel inferior.This is my own issue.Phone is ringing and it's my crazy ass brother,better go.Blog soon.

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