Sunday, November 28, 2010

my fairy tale....

I found it.You are wondering what I found? My fairy tale of course!
I have said before that these fairy tales with prince charming are so unrealistic for a real person.That is because I always looked at from the wrong point of view.I don't need to look at it from the view of the fair maiden.That is so not real.There are other characters and I found mine.It's a bit strange but it fits.
Beauty and the Beast.
No,I am totally not the Beauty...I am the Beast.
The creature who falls in love with someone who does not share the same emotion.The person the Beast loves gets to know what is really inside the beast,then falls in love with the creature.I think if my beauty (Al)
got to know me the outside would not matter.We could fall in love and live happily ever after.
I'm the creature who lives in solitude,lonely and lost.When I found the missing piece to the puzzle of my heart.I pray that he will just give me a chance.I want to make him the happiest man alive.I would do anything for him.He owns my heart.

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