Saturday, November 13, 2010

Act 1 ; The second ANGRY verse

me the cow...yep I know...mooooooo

 Sometimes I think I must be the most over weight invisable person on this planet.I feel like it has got to be easy to notice me in one way or another.I must be wrong.If I was beautiful and thin and jumping up and down naked I STILL could not get this man to notice me.

I will admit I can not blame him.I also expect way more from him then I should. I am being selfish wanting him all to myself.I know (especially now) that we are in a odd situation,and he can not give me the attention I so desire.
On the other hand thinking some dorky ass homely f***ing bitch gets the privilage of saying she is in a relationship with him pisses the hell out of me!!!!

I want to frickin' beat the snot out of this dream wrecking,ungrateful,whore!!! ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!

Okay deep and out...

I feel like he should always be shown how special he is...and the thought of him being near anyone actually makes me sick....perhaps I need to change my medication.I just had to get that out before bed.Just a warning to that girl......hope she doesnt like her face to much...because I am planning to rip that damn thing off and shove it up her stupid f***ing ass!!!!

breathing...breathing...okay the crazy is calming....

grrrrrrrrrr...still want to make her disappear...anyone got Harry Potter's phone number?
poof...lets make her disappear...naw to boring....I know ....MAKE HER EXPLODE!!! Then she would be gone and I would get to see her explode like a ballon full of chopped meat...

Okay I am weirding myself out.
Bottom line...she has someone I want...and have wanted since Feb of this year...before she even had him!!! I wanna scream at him to wake up!!! Dude,if you really are looking for love as you say...Hi! I'm here and I already love you...should I rip out my heart and hand it to you for real and not just emotionally????!!!


Okay.I will close with this.I love him,she is having a moment of fun,I pray it does not last long,I know he can do nothing about a "us" even if he wanted to but COME ON! Shatter me to pieces a bit more why dont you!!!

 Ugh...I am going to bed!

(gotta love google image search! You can find pictures of just about anything).

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