Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Weird dream gives me hope,makes me feel loved

I had a totally epic dream last night.I went to bed feeling pretty defeated.Kind of hopeless,like I am never going to get Al. He says he has "a idea" of how I feel about him...but that just does not seem enough.It makes me feel like he really does not grasp the deepness of it.I am willing to do anything for this man.My life mission is to make him happy.I can understand how that could creep someone out.I mean a person popping in to your life who is completely devoted to you.
Anyway,this dream started like many of my recent ones.Very end of the world as we know it. I am a teenager in it.Walking on the streets of the small town I grew up in.All of a sudden I am in a car.Al is driving and two kids I used to know in school are in it.I am now my real age,but everyone still sees me as a teenager.We stop at a official looking building in the middle of this town.The town is slowly morphing into a city.Al says he has to go in but for us to wait because he will be right back.He parks in this open garage and goes in this heavily glass windowed building.We seem to be waiting a long time so we get out to stretch our legs.All of a sudden this giant evil creature smashes through this building.the skys get dark and lightning and rain slams the ground.This creature starts to chase me,and we all scatter.I am trying to run and hide when I see some chick who is all glowy.She shouts to me that if I can get to that settlement over the bridge it can't get me.I see it sucking the souls from screaming onlookers.This thing is at least 10 feet tall and fast! I find it hard to move but run to this settlement.The sky clears.The storm,monster and city are all gone.It looks like a cross between a campsite and that place the ewoks lived with the places in the trees.
I notice people I know.No one recognizes me.It must have been a portal of some type because My hair is very long now and blond.I have black hair in real life.I am trying to find Al.I am hoping he is safe but worried that the creature got him.As I am crying and feeling horrible for surviving and losing Al.
I see my mom but she does not look like my mom.I know it is her but she does not know me.The glowy lady is back and brings me into a place that is a tent on the outside but inside looks like a sparsly furnished home that has seen better days.There is a table and My mom is sitting at it.behind this table is a set of glass doors that look like they lead to a seperate part of this place.This seperate part looks to have log cabin type walls,and many hallways.
I sit at this table and the glowy lady disapears.some other people are at this table to but I do not know them.My mom asks me who I am but all I can do is ask if they had seen Al.
She looks puzzled but like she might be starting to recognize me.I say his last name and she gasps that it was impossible.Someone says "It's Heather"
"but you are to young to be her,she is old and sick"
"it is me" I say "where is Al?" I beg."He is okay.He went searching for you after the attack.He found you and you were inseperable.You got married...those 3 boys and 1 girl over there are your children"
I am shocked They seem my age.This is like a back to the future moment."Al and I have children?...Together?" I stammer unable to believe all of this.Then I see him.He has to be in his 50's.I run to him hugging him.He looks at me and we are both crying.He is old I am young...how did this happen...How did I miss all of these years.I was there but was not aware of it.I see myself old and dying in a bed.I lean over and I become morped into myself.Like time caught up with its self.Al is young again,I am also.
We are in this world of hell but we are happy.I feel loved,protected and complete.I am happy even in this hell world.Then everything turns back to not end times world.I am sitting on a couch with Al.My head on his shoulder.We are together.and I am in love.

That dream freaked me out.Aside from all of the terror I still want to always remember that f***ed up dream.
I got to feel what it was like to be with him.I really could FEEL things in this dream.All of the emotions were so real.

Messed up,but I had to type this so I would not forget it.

Blog ya later

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