Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oh crap!!! Am I a STALKER???

Say it ain't so....have I become the creepy obsessed stalker dude from the movies???
I mean no harm,I will admit my obsession though.I think I am so obsessed with online watching of this man because I wish I had the real thing.To have him in my life for real would make me not so stalkery.

Sounds pretty stalker-like still! A very stalkery answer!

If we actually could just hang out and shoot the breeze I would not have to feed my hunger for him through blog posts and old newspaper articles.Is that what I have been reduced to? A faux relationship through this magic machiene hooked up to endless amounts of information on ANYBODY if you just take the time and know how to look?

As a woman I wish my life was a romance novel.Where the girl gets the guy,and he is totally in love with her.They ride horses by the waters edge of the beach at sunset,and lay in each others arms to watch the stars in the night sky.

Not a horse riding kinda gal but you catch the drift.I really would love to be able to have a real relationship. I can picture the two of us sitting under the night sky gazing at the stars and just enjoying each others company.Being playful,and having a tickle fight,winding up in each others arms kissing.


Am I right to hit myself while I am already down? Maybe.Perhaps I dont deserve the happily ever after that we were lied to about in those fairy tales of youth.The chick who got the guy was always beautiful.Maybe it would be more realistic and give us REAL hope if she was not so hot.Give the b**ch a weight problem or bad skin.Maybe a limp and glasses so thick you could ice skate on them!

I have never physically stalked this poor innocent soul who fell into my life.(I pity him for having met me..although I started living when I met him).

forgive me father for I have sinned.......
   I would regularly look him up on the net....although I have weened myself from it .For which I am proud of.
( Pride is a sin!!!)
Okay,I do not want to creep him out so I stopped calling his message machiene to hear his voice at all my defense it was a small way to compensate for lack of his presence.It made it worse though...I missed him MORE!
(Is this a form of false God worship?)

I love the man with everything I am and probrobly should not be,but I do not put him in a God status position. I do however thank God daily for his creation,and blessing me with being able to know it.I also Thank God for answering my prayer and always keeping this man safe.To have his angels watch over him and guide his steps.

I AM NOT A STALKER! I may have stalkerish tendencies but thats all.I just want the dream...and I just want him to be a part of my reality.

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