Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Arrggg....has the neverending story ended yet???

I have given up the pint of chunky monkey for a 1.5 qt of espresso chip from Edy's.(mainly due to already eating it all)
Why the change in depression foods?
Well I am cranky because I am still sick, freaked out because I did not refill my zoloft for a week,sad and hurt because of Mr. Al, and pissed off because my brother called for money and he and his very drunk friend were mocking me.
This little punk does not know me! Of course I'm going to curse like a salior and slam down the phone. I have become the angry old lady down the street who shakes her fist at the neighborhood kids. I can only take so much repeating and mooing sounds before I go all b***h on their ass.
Everytime I try to rest someone bugs me. (shaking my fist) grrrrrrrrrrrr.
I have not had a ride to go get my meds...( yet another fist shake)
And confused about what the hell Al is ignoring my pleas of help for and not answering a single call for a week....................I think a few spoonfuls of ice cream is well in order!
Life sucks!...I am really hating most things I come across lately.I either want to beat them or shove my head under a mountain of pillows to escape. I had a mix up and it left me without my zololft and klonapin.I guess they did not lie about what it does after all. Considering the fact that I am super anxious and depressed.
Must be the lack of chemical in my body but I am getting sick of having dreams when I nap of people trying to blow me up.
-blog ya later

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