Friday, November 19, 2010


I have been vigilant about blogging @ least once daily.Except for yesterday,in which case I was sleeping most of my day away. I had gone to my therapist earlier in the day and had a very cool session.I ran to the Rite Aid next door to pick up my zoloft and klonapin.I also grabbed a generic flu medicine....which made me very tired and making me sleep.
I have been talking to some people who have had this "mystery" virus/cold,I am not the only one who can't shake it.I feel better knowing that it is normal for it to last for a bit.
I have to go to the store and don't feel like walking because I'm woozy.It is right up the street but getting myself out of the house has always been hard.
I really have to pick up these few things before monday.Also My mother gave me some money to western union to my brother.
I know I need to get this done but I am battling with having to go out in this gloomy weather. It's the type of weather where you want to snuggle on the couch (it would be great to have a person to snuggle with) drink some hot cocoa w/marshmellows (of course,as if there is anyother kind! lol) and watch some bad daytime t.v.
I am really going to have to get my a** in gear.
Blog ya later

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