Sunday, November 14, 2010

What was I saying?

I can not believe what I am watching.Yeah...I'm trying to train myself to not be so crazy about having the t.v. on at the same time as the computer.I admit it makes me want to claw my skin off but if it helps me to "get better" so I can experience true love by getting the man of my dreams...I will suffer.Whoooo RUN ON SENTENCE ATTACK!
Anyway I did not plan on it but did not feel like channel surfing so I left it on.
Diary of a mad black woman.
It was supposed to be a very empowering film for black women.It is funny that it has the dude from Criminal Minds in it.Also the the Chick from Bones (the head doctor lady not Bones)Was that before or after?I am bad with time frames. I sorta like it.I am not black (I am bi racial, Native American and White) I think it's a woman power movie. Not my forte (I am a horror movie girl and maybe a Ben Stiller comedy now and then) but okay.
I don't really dig the lovey dovey crap .It makes me feel empty and like I am missing vital organs. I am wicked.I hate seeing others have the one thing I want most and know I will never have it.You could probrobly tell that by my angry post before bed. I don't want to be a angry b***h I just want to be loved.
It's something that I never feel like I ever had.No this is not a pity party and NO don't bring a covered dish!
I just want to be able to love someone who could love me back.Something deeper then physical (not that physical would be bad ).I just want it all in it's place.Where real clicking does not take the back seat to pure animal lust.

Okay,this guy is the whole package but I don'twant to make his head so big that he can't walk through the door.
I do pity this man if I am blessed enough to ever have a relationship with him.I have been waiting for him my whole life...I might just break him in half by the time I get my hands on him! No,for real.I need to pace that urge so I dont be such a crazy girl.
Why was I posting? Sorry the daydreamerin me got away for a minuet.Better go.Blog ya later.

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