Friday, November 12, 2010

Blood,Sweat and...pee?

Tiger (the tiny terror)

Don't know what to do.I am trying to get my mother's dog in a good home.See she was staying with me w/ her dog (Tiger) while she goes through divorce proceedings w/ my Father.I have a dog named Benny.My chubby little 4 yr old baby bear.I have known Tiger since he was first brought home 11 years ago.He has a kind little heart but certain things in life have made him...a bit neurotic.He looks feeble and harmless but really isnt.Since my mom is not here at the moment I have him and it is bringing my alot of anxiety.I am not allowed to have a extra dog,and I feel kinda dumped on.It just goes to show that when I let my guard down I get bit in the a**. I wanted to help my mom...but I am thinking she just used me as a stepping stone to get over some lava in the volcano.

So....I am here with Tiger and ,and Benny (extremely friendly and happy) goes up to Tiger and pushes a toy to him.Of course thinking this is adorable I run to my webcam to grab a shot.In the few seconds it took to turn around I hear a horrible yelp.I drop the camera and run to Benny seeing that Tiger is ATTACKING him. Benny is a bit bigger and alot chunkier then old Tiger but could hurt no one.Tiger on the other hand has a mean streak...he attacked my boy!!! Just for wanting to play????
I scooped up my Benny and shut us in the bathroom so I could properly care for his wounds.When I came out I Tried to seperate them by putting Tiger gated in the kitchen.Luckily I kept Ben in the bathroom until I could get Tiger.He leaped at me attacking my arm,making it a sratched up bit up bloody mess. I managed to get them seperated and am trying to breathe.

This is the first time he attacked my Ben but not the first time he attacked me.
Everytime I try to comb him bathe him or otherwise groom him he will attack me like a shark who has not eaten for a year.He has added to the scars that years of being physically abused by my kid brother and self harm had already left.
Now I just cant take it.For spite he will look at me after he has already gone for a walk (after battling to leash the furball w/teeth) growl and lift his leg right in front of me and pee on anything he can! I try to stop him and he bites me to chopped meat!
I tell him no,and he will actually grunt at me and kick my bedroom door open and freakin'  pisses on my blanket on my bed.It is almost daily and the laundry bills are getting high.Not to mention that my knees get more action then the ones belonging to a nun and prostitute combined! I know that was pretty distasteful, my apologies. (lots of bleach and soap).
Benny has peed for spite but he does not anymore.I am getting better at not letting walk all over me.

I just cant handle this little terror.I cant believe what a stupid jack ass I was to think things were cool with me and my mom,that the past was past.My family only looks out for themselves and will trample anyone who they can to get to the top.

In all of my crazy weirdness,freaky oddness I can say thank you God for making me different.
Being the "black sheep" or "odd man out" in this family is a plus.I would rather have my issues then be a user.
I feel terrible saying that,it is my blood and I dont want to be a horrible person but that is what it all boils down to.I am a loyal person and would give all of myself to save someone I cared for.
My family....not so much.Maybe I'm not really related to them..I am the only kid with blue eyes,and other then my brother (who I must say has a very lovely carmel skin tone...we have different father's) I am the naturally(my one sister is orange from over taining) the darkest skinned one.I know that I am in fact biologically related though.I probrobly set myself up for this somehow.They all know I will not say no to friend (who I blog about waaayyyy more then I should) recently told me I need to learn to say "no" more. He is totally right.I am a doormat,and it's because I don't want to be the bad guy.I have to stand up for myself like I do for others...even those who don't back me when I need it. (hint ...My family)

So I have cleaned up the Tiger pee,and my blood...which makes him look as if he is wearing a rather fetching shade of lipstick.I have given myself a deadline,tucked Benny in on the warm clean blankets,and given Tiger a doggie bed to sleep on tonight in the livingroom.I called my father (who has never followed through on his word in all of my knowing him) and told him if he does not come and get Tiger before a certain date I will be forced to give him away.

It is true.I can not sacrifice my housing and chance ending up homeless again because of listening to my family's "advice".
I need to be selfish for once.Maybe a bit like them with the self preservation thing.
I won't stoop to that level, it's not this crazy dog's fault his owners are unworthy to be pet owners,but I still need to look out for myself.
I have a dog of my own to look out for,and a personal mission that I will never finish to achieve my ultimate goal with now.

 Time for my parents to grow up.I'm not their mom anymore,and can't clean up all of their messes and keep their dirty secrets and lies hidden under the carpet any longer.

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