Friday, November 26, 2010

Another act another verse

Hey y'all.Sorry for not posting sooner but I am still fighting this damn cold.Thanksgiving was quiet,but I spent most of it throwing up.I am missing Al again.If he really knew the depth of my feelings perhaps he might give me a chance...nah. I don't think he would,but I wish that he did.If only to give me one kiss...I would feel happy.I am going to be 30 soon.I have nothing to show for my life.I dont mean fancy degrees and fame.I mean someone to love.
I finally find someone who I almost instantly fall in love with (real love not a crush or lust) and just my luck...he doesnt feel the same.I can't turn off my feelings like a switch.
I have a hard time sitting next to him and not smothering him in kisses.
me today feeling sick
My God,he smells so yummy to.Like clean laundry and a snuggly teddy bear.Every now and then when I am down I can smell him.No for real,not creeping anyone out.It's like one of those scents you assosiate with a happy childhood memory or a moms perfume.It comes and goes quickly,but makes me feel like he is there comforting me.Telling me to keep going.I just moved around the living room again.I need to vaccumm,but will blog later.Hope everyone had a good holiday.

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