Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Act 1 ;the first verse

I am currently writing from home. Guess whats going on from the following description:
 Sweaty and my body aching.Feeling like something heavy is on my chest and having a hard time breathing.Gagging and alot of spitting up.Feeling very hot and on my back...hoping its over soon!

Did you guess?

Okay,I admit the way I typed it was kinda misleading,but was truthful.I am currently very sick.Did I get your mind in the gutter? Ha ha,I am wicked bad sometimes.Alas I would not be wishing the end part of that statement though if it were what you thought!

Lets just say I'm not very experienced,thats all.Okay the fact that MY mind is in the gutter practically 24-7 is not a good thing.Do not judge me as a slut...far from it my friend.I have a certain person in mind to get this job done with,but things are not looking to good.Maybe I should join a convent.Do you still have to know latin?If so I am f***ed.New launguages are a bit hard on me.
Yeah I was trying to be nice...I SUCK AT DIFFERENT LAUNGUAGES. I can barely speak and spell English and it is my native tounge!

Ranting...yup...thats what I am doing.Hope it was a bit entertaining for you.If not sorry I killed a few minuets of your life...but if it was not me it would have been someone elses blog so screw it. You are thinking I'm a badass? Yeah it's so totally a front. The grrrrrr F-U world,I dont give a crap I don't spell check my blog cause I'm a rebel thing.....it's all about protection.It's I guess you could say my emotional condom or birth control.

Would love to write more but I have to go and vomit.Gotta run from the computer (for real).Hope you will still be wanting to read more posts...

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