Saturday, November 13, 2010

2 men that always are there when I am depressed...Even when I DONT WANT THEM TO!!

Ben and Jerry.official.I'm bummed.The container of new chunky monkey that sits beside my keyboard is self explanitory. I miss him,and won't see him for another week.Tryed to call him to let him know what was going I'm having problems setting up my surgery...maybe he was busy...or maybe he is just ignoring me.I'm 4 spoons in and still feeling like crap.My back is in serious pain (that is why I need's a breast reduction but my medical says it's plastic surgery even though its for my back). The pinched nerve I have in my back is also acting up.Not to mention my still being sick.

Now 7 spoons in I am looking at the lid.Knowing I should put it back on and freezer this bad boy.This will not bode well with my diet.Although being sick the past few days has fudged it up by not eating.Does that level me out?
No it's like a million calories a spoonful.Bye chunky monkey gotta put you away.I already ate 12 spoonfuls I better go before Ben and Jerry win.Blog ya later.

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