Wednesday, November 10, 2010

life's not easy being fat...

I hate that I am a whale.I wonder if this is the reason I am not aquiring the attention of the man I love.Or it really could be his it's got to be my size.Diets and excersize,pills and miracle drinks,nothing works.I am cursed.I have tried starvation,excersize and countless diet drinks.Maybe I am ment to be a discusting blob of blah.Who am I kidding.Why would a adorable little cuddly bear like him like me. It is not as if he is blind. Yet all I think of is him,and I know he is not the type of person to judge my outside.Look how much better a person he is then me...I constantly judge my outside.Today the song "mad world" came in to my head. If you are not familiar it's not very uplifting.

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