Tuesday, December 28, 2010


me with dramatic make up
What other word can I use but ...UGH!
The blizzardy thing was okay,not so bad.The aftermath was wicked road conditions.So I'm sitting at the computer with a hot cup of tea,wishing Al was here.
Each day I find myself really hating that bitch he is in a "relationship" with even more. They need to be over soon...this is taking to long.
me playing around with a wig
Thursday I go see my therapist.Man do I have a lot to say.Oh well,I have to walk My dog,and take out the trash.The meaningless routine.It may be less of a burden to wake up if I had someone to wake up to,to make my day worth it all.If I don't post by New years eve,Here's to a hopefully better year to my readers and maybe myself...

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